3 Perbedaan Kamera Indoor VS Kamera Outdoor

Kamera Indoor vs Kamera Outdoor, apa perbedaan dan mana yang paling sesuai dengan rumah atau kantor Anda? Ketika kita berbicara soal produk Indoor vs Outdoor, kita akan bicara tentang cuaca, pencahayaan dan daya tahan produk, sama halnya dengan kamera CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television). Kita mungkin berpikir semua kamera bekerja dengan cara yang sama, tapi ada beberapa hal pertimbangan yang perlu diketahui, seperti resolusi dan view range kamera. Bukan itu saja, masih ada pertimbangan lainnya, apa saja? Kita akan bahas lebih detail.

3 Top Differences between Indoor VS Outdoor Camera

Indoor vs Outdoor Camera, what are the differences and which best fits your homes or businesses? When you think of indoor vs outdoor products, you would think about the weather, the lighting and durability of products, same goes with CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) Cameras! You would think all cameras work the same way but they require different coverage, materials and resolutions to maximize the usage of a CCTV Camera. Therefore, it is important to know the difference between the two.