MAQNA Time Attendance (EE)

Maqna Time Attendance (Enterprise Edition) is a premium version of MTA Standard Edition. Enterprise Edition consists of added features in addition to the Standard Edition. Some additional advantages include: being able to input more than one fingerprint per employee, alternative shifts for every employee (for shift based employees) and a more detailed report on employee leaves and absence.

MAQNA Time Attendance SE

Maqna Time Attendance SE (Standard Edition) is an application that processes employee attendance data. Maqna Time Attendance is a part of the MAQNA business solution product developed by Armada Integrasi Teknologi (Armada IT). Maqna Time Attendance has 2 (two) additional applications in addition to the main application used to process employee attendance data, namely: Maqna Machine Management, which is used to manage an application’s interactions with machines along with Maqna Retrieve Log, which is used to retrieve data from the machine.

3 Tips Mengatasi Absensi Karyawan di masa NEW NORMAL

Ketika penerapan New Normal diberlakukan, beberapa perusahaan pun sudah mulai mengizinkan karyawannya untuk kembali bekerja di kantor. Pemberlakuan New Normal, tentunya diikuti dengan berbagai pertimbangan dan penyesuaian peraturan perusahaan untuk memastikan bahwa karyawan dapat kembali bekerja dengan tingkat produktivitas yang baik dan juga memastikan jaminan perlindungan kesehatan yang tepat diberlakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus COVID-19.

3 Ways on How to Manage Employee Attendance in the New Normal

Employees have started returning to work in the office after months of working from home (WFH) due to COVID-19. Now, there are a lot of considerations and regulations that need to be considered to adapt well to the New Normal. Thus, employers are now responsible for making sure employees will be able to return to work while having the best amount of productivity whilst also ensuring that proper safety measures are taken in the office as part of the New Normal.

Choosing the Right Fingerprint Machine for YOU

The use of fingerprint attendance technology in SOHO (Small Office Home Office) up to industrial companies is increasingly common these days. The development of fingerprint attendance technology has also improved through an increased variety of models with increasingly affordable prices. With a variety of choices to choose from, it is common for companies who want to use fingerprint attendance technology to be confused in choosing the right machine.