3 Perbedaan NVR dan DVR

Ketika membeli kamera CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television), kita sudah pasti membutuhkan perekam untuk menyimpan rekaman. Saat ini di pasaran, alat perekam CCTV dikenal terdapat 2 jenis, yaitu NVR (Network Video Recorder) dan DVR (Digital Video Recorder). Mungkin akan muncul pertanyaan, apa perbedaan antara DVR dan NVR, kamera CCTV mana yang paling sesuai. Nah, ingin tahu? Baca sampai habis artikel berikut ini yang membahas manfaat dan perbedaan antara NVR dan DVR!

NVR vs DVR – Top 3 Differences

When buying CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) Cameras, we require a recorder to store recordings from the camera, this is where NVR (Network Video Recorder) and DVR (Digital Video Recorder) come into play. You might wonder, what are the differences between the two and which one best fits your CCTV Camera. Read on to find out more on the benefits and the differences between NVR and DVR!